sunday stirring

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Something I struggle with? People asking for my advice and then not taking it. Not just not taking it, but not even taking one ounce of it. After they've taken a lot of my time. That, friends, shows my crazy selfishness.

What I've learned the most, though, is that not one person has to be the way I want them to be. And it certainly hurts me when others want me to fit into their own definition of who I should be. We are all unique creatures with our own gifts- and so why, WHY? would I want to define someone? What defines who is "right" and who is "wrong"? Sure, we can try to define these things, but I believe that it is very relative to the culture and place a person is in. What's right for you may not be what's right for me, and vice versa. To let go of that and to let others be who they are, so that they can let you be who you are... that is freedom. And so, I like this quote :). Happy Sunday!

The true secret of giving advice is, after you have honestly given it, to be perfectly indifferent whether it is taken or not, and never persist in trying to set people right. 
-- Hannah Whitall Smith


Lindy Young said...

Oh man, but I cannot STAND it when they don't take my advice! It's always sooooo good! And if they DON'T take it, they will (probably) ask again on some completely parallel issue because they'll find themselves in some other pickle of the same sort.

ANd yet. You're right and I"m wrong. Give and let live. Who's to say what's right for anyone else?

A few months ago I read this (really woo-woo) spiritual teacher's blog, and one thing she said I have kept with me: At the end of each night, reflect on your actions and thoughts and on anyone you have judged, even in the privacy of your own head. Put your hands in prayer and send out a silent apology to them.

This has been incredibly humbling to me and exactly what my judging mind had been needing.

Thanks for your blog(s). They're great. I almost never write on mine anymore (it seems the best course, what with my really having not much to say), but it is

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