confession friday

Friday, October 1, 2010

Ah yes! It's Friday again... time to confess... I hope you will too, either here or on your blog... it's freeing to release our "junk"!

*I feel pressed for time this week... lots of deadlines, which is so cool because that means I've been given work to do. For me, work is really empowering, especially since my "day job" (well, more like 24-hour-job) is "mom" to three young kids. Anyway, it's hard to juggle it all... but I'd rather be juggling than not, so no complaints here! And sometimes a little stress is good... gets the creativity flowing (I've always worked better under pressure).
*I usually am not nervous about medical stuff, but I have an eye surgery coming up. FREAKY. I don't have any vision problems so I've never even had to put drops in my eyes. So anything having to do with eyeballs is GROSS. My friend's husband is doing the surgery, so that's great. But I've even asked him why the heck he wants to touch eyeballs all day. EW! So, positive thoughts and prayers for my anxiety would be so appreciated. Thanks!
*Confessions tend to sway to the negative end of the spectrum, but I'm really happy right now. Just plain old happy. I've lived a blessed life. I get to be in a relationship with a good person. I get to raise amazing kids, and I love my job(s). I fully attribute this to doing what I want to do instead of feeling pressured to do otherwise. This means my title isn't all that prestigious and my salary is waaaaay low. But I get to enjoy every day that I'm on this earth. I'm excited about the future. And I really hope that for each of you, too.
*I'm totally against anything artificial. But I still love a good, cold, diet coke. I've been taken hostage by coca cola. save me!
*If you could see how full of dog hair my floor is right now, it would make you feel better about yourself, trust me.
*This is so not cool of me, apparently. But I love Taylor Swift. She's herself, and she writes her own music. And she's so honest. I hope you can be "fearless" with your hopes and dreams... and have a wonderful weekend!


Anonymous said...

I confessed today.

This may show exactly how much I live under a rock, but who is Taylor Swift and why is she controversial?

Eyeballs! Yuck! I am grateful for my eyeballs. That doesn't mean I want to touch one or have anyone touching mine. Unless I was drugged and getting laser eye surgery. That would be scary, gross and very, very, exciting.

My dog has been spending loads more time at her other home, than at mine and while I miss her I am LOVING not having the dog hair. Maybe you could time share your dog? Just a thought.

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