
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Well hello there!
I've missed this little blog... this week has been busy with all things "life," as I'm sure it has been for you, too. When I get busy with work/kids, I have less time to exercise and take care of myself. Slowly things start to fall apart... I can feel my immune system weakening and I have a harder time sleeping when I'm not as active as usual. But the worst thing that happens? I start to worry about my appearance. It's normal to put on a couple of pounds if you can't do spin class or yoga for a couple of weeks. But to beat myself up over it can be dangerous territory for me. So I have to remind myself that we're all beautiful, all created differently, and all store fat in different places. And if my hips are a wee bit bigger than normal, my friends will still be my friends, and my family will still love me.
so a few "goddess:body" lessons here for me today:

1) take care of myself... eat well and be as active as I can be
2) don't beat myself up over a week of being busy
3) be kind to myself... I don't want to base my entire opinion of who I am on how big my butt looks (don't want to pass poor body image onto my daughter, either).

So lovely ladies... be grateful for what you have today... love yourself well!

I am beautiful as I am. I am the shape that was gifted. My breasts are no longer perky and upright like when I was a teenager. My hips are wider than that of a fashion model's. For this I am glad, for these are the signs of a life lived. ~Cindy Olsen, co-owner of The Body Objective


Anonymous said...

Yay! As one wise woman says 'if you got it, flaunt it lady, no shame!'

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