confession friday

Friday, September 24, 2010

hello lovely readers!
Where has this week gone? It flew by for me... and I learned a lot along the way. I hope you did, too.

*I confess that I've been juggling too many things lately between jobs and kids... and I think the result was a bad migraine headache on Wednesday night. It was a wake-up call... a reminder to take better care of myself. To eat good food. To drink more water, and to rest every so often. Women have a hard time caring for themselves... I think we're geared to care more for others. It's good to make sure we're okay so that we can love others well. So, I'm going to focus on that (as soon as I get all these things done... ha!).
*I confess that I've felt too sensitive this week... to vulnerable to other's opinions of me. Why do I let what other people think bother me so deeply? I guess I'm tender in that way... I don't handle criticisms well. That's something I don't like about myself. But not liking a part of who I am, and how I was made, won't really help the situation, I've realized. Because then I'll be too sensitive AND filled with self-hatred. Not a good combination. I'm practicing letting things go, or turning the criticism into something positive, or reminding myself that, many times, criticism comes from a place of insecurity within that person. Instead of taking things so personally, it's good for me to refocus the issue and remember that we're all vulnerable to a certain extent, and many times people put others down in order to elevate themselves... away from their own fears. Good stuff to remember.
*I confess that I've never cooked brussels sprouts and so I bought some. There was a lady in the store watching me buy them, and she sweetly told me to steam them and then add some butter and lemon juice. I'll let you know how that goes... any suggestions?
*I confess that I have a huge zit on my chin. It hurts, and I feel like I'm 15.
*I confess that I have more questions than answers about religion, and I'm okay with that.
*I confess that I've been googling land prices in Montana again :).
*I confess that I'm not ready to go natural with my grey hair yet, so I dyed my roots yesterday... so much for embracing myself the way I was created... I'm not ready to have grey hair yet! Hey, at least I'm being honest!

Have a fantastic weekend friends!
(and here is my FAVORITE quote dealing with the topic of criticism. Oh how I love it. Read it carefully and meditate on it. The words ring so true for me.):

It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.

From a speech given in Paris at the Sorbonne in 1910

- Theodore Roosevelt


coffeemom said...

dear becca, I'm 48 and still am having breakouts! I feel your pain.
As to the brussels sprouts? ROAST em or SAUTE' them, olive oil, both times, salt....Roast em the pioneer woman way. But to saute them cut off the bottom, peel the leaves and flash sautee them (like really al dente dont' cook em much or they get soggy and gross). Thats teh only way I overcame my childgood gross-out of their potential slimy factor. Just sayin......good luck and the hair??? I dyed mine for almost two decades (yes I'm that old) before I gave up just because it was a losing battle. But I still think of it some mornings when I realize how very OLD I look and also how WITCHY I look.
Do what makes you happy w/ that! Have a great weekend! love M

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